IP Transit in London

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As a global hub for technology and innovation, London stands at the forefront of this digital revolution, attracting a diverse array of businesses seeking cutting-edge connectivity solutions. Among the providers catering to this ever-growing demand is Exascale, a company renowned for its extensive Tier 2 network and strategic interconnections with major Tier 1 operators, content providers, and access networks.

The Importance of IP Transit in London

IP Transit, a service that facilitates the exchange of internet traffic between networks, has become an indispensable component of modern business operations. It enables organisations to establish seamless connectivity with the global internet, ensuring their data, applications, and services can reach end-users and other networks without interruption. In a city like London, where financial institutions, technology companies, and multinational corporations thrive, the need for reliable and high-performance IP Transit solutions cannot be overstated.

Internet Service Providers, Web Hosting Companies and those requiring increased control over their Internet access operating in the London metropolitan area require IP Transit services that not only provide ample bandwidth but also offer low latency, high availability, and seamless integration with cloud platforms and content delivery networks (CDNs). This is where Exascale’s interconnected network shines, offering a comprehensive suite of IP Transit services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses across various sectors.

Exascale’s Tier 2 Network: A Powerhouse of Connectivity

Exascale’s Tier 2 network is a state-of-the-art infrastructure designed to deliver unparalleled performance and reliability. With multiple redundant paths, diverse fibre routes, and strategic Points of Presence (PoPs) across the UK and beyond, this network ensures high levels of resiliency, minimising the risk of service disruptions and ensuring business continuity for Exascale’s customers.

One of the key strengths of Exascale’s Tier 2 network is its extensive interconnections with Tier 1 operators, content providers, and access networks. By establishing direct peering relationships with these entities, Exascale can offer low-latency, high-bandwidth connectivity to its customers, enabling them to access global internet resources, leverage cloud services, and interconnect with other networks seamlessly.

Strategic Presence in London’s Interconnection Hubs

To cater to the connectivity demands of businesses in London, Exascale has established a robust presence within two of the city’s premier interconnection facilities: Telehouse North and Telehouse West.

  1. Telehouse North: Located in the heart of London’s Docklands, Telehouse North is a state-of-the-art data centre facility that serves as a prime interconnection hub for global networks and cloud providers. Exascale’s presence within Telehouse North enables its customers to access a vast ecosystem of connectivity options, including direct connections to major Tier 1 operators, cloud platforms, and content delivery networks.
  2. Telehouse West: Situated in the Stratford area of London, Telehouse West is another strategic location for Exascale. This facility offers direct access to various subsea cable systems, providing high-speed, low-latency connectivity to international destinations. Exascale’s presence in Telehouse West further enhances its ability to deliver robust IP Transit services to businesses with global operations or requirements.

By establishing direct presences within these interconnection hubs, Exascale can offer its customers low-latency, high-bandwidth connectivity, enabling them to leverage cloud services, access content delivery networks (CDNs), and interconnect with other networks seamlessly.

  1. Managed Services: Exascale offers a range of managed services, including network monitoring, security, and optimization, allowing customers to focus on their core business while entrusting their network operations to experienced professionals.
  2. Colocation Services: By leveraging Exascale’s strategically located data centres, customers can benefit from secure, reliable, and cost-effective colocation solutions, ensuring their mission-critical infrastructure is housed in a robust and well-connected environment.
  3. Professional Services: Exascale’s team of experienced professionals offers consultancy, design, and implementation services, helping customers navigate the complexities of network architecture, cloud migration, and digital transformation initiatives.
  4. Security Solutions: In today’s threat-laden digital landscape, robust security measures are paramount. Exascale offers a range of security solutions, including Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation, firewalls, and secure access services, to safeguard customers’ networks and data.

Interconnected with Industry Giants

Exascale’s Tier 2 network is not only strategically positioned within London’s interconnection hubs but also boasts extensive interconnections with industry giants across various sectors. These strategic partnerships enable Exascale to offer its customers unparalleled connectivity options and enhanced performance.

Some of the key interconnections within Exascale’s network include:

  1. Tier 1 Operators: Exascale maintains direct peering relationships with major Tier 1 internet backbone providers, ensuring seamless connectivity to the global internet and enabling efficient traffic routing.
  2. Cloud Providers: Through strategic partnerships and direct interconnections, Exascale offers its customers high-performance connectivity to leading cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and others. This enables businesses to leverage the power of cloud services while ensuring optimal performance and security.
  3. Content Providers: Exascale’s network is interconnected with leading content providers, including streaming platforms, social media networks, and content delivery networks (CDNs). This strategic positioning allows Exascale to offer its customers low-latency access to popular online content, enhancing the user experience for end-users.
  4. Access Networks: By establishing peering relationships with local and regional access networks, Exascale can provide its customers with reliable and high-performance connectivity to end-users across the UK and beyond.

Beyond Connectivity: Exascale’s Comprehensive Solutions

While IP Transit and network interconnectivity are at the core of Exascale’s offerings, the company’s suite of services extends far beyond mere connectivity. Exascale provides a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses, including: